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11 posts tagged with "weekly"

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· 2 min read
Reed Loustalot

Hey there,

Welcome to the first weekly recap. I'll use this spot to take a look at the previous week, detail some of what worked, a bit of what didn't. Then I'll take a look at the week ahead set some goals.

Let's get started.

⏪ Last Week ⏪


- 1 customer

✅ We got 2.

- 1 blog post

❌ I neglected to write one. I'll write 2 this week.


Happy with the week. Excited to have gotten our first customer, it took nearly the entire week!

We quickly got feedback on the setup process and the initial profile creation process. We made some tweaks already based on this feedback.


  • Add 'anywhere' destination

Carriers don't always have a specific destination in mind. We updated the capacity board to accomodate putting 'anywhere' for a destination. Previously we had been requiring a destination city.

⏩ This Week ⏩


  • 5 customers
  • 2 blog posts

Going to be more of the same, just pound the pavement get & get in front of carriers. Additionally we'll be frequently following up with our current customers to see how things are going, what makes sense, what doesn't, etc.

  • This week I appeared on the Lombard Trucking Podcast. Check it out here

  • Tweet of the week (click link to see video)

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