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Week of 1/8/23 Recap

· 3 min read
Reed Loustalot

Hey there,

Welcome to the second LOST FR8 weekly recap. This week didn't see any progress in terms of new customers. But it was the first full week of use from our first customer and we have a lot to be happy about.

Let's get started.

⏪ Last Week ⏪


- 5 customers

❌ We still have 2

- 2 blog posts

❌ Didn't do this again.


  • Despite not reaching these goals, I think this week was a success. Our first customer got a solid week's use under their belt. We quickly patched the bugs that appeared and responded quickly to feedback.

  • Our customer's brokers 'get it' without explanation. We got in contact with a handful of them. They had positive things to say about the site. We were pleased they quickly saw the value in having access to our customer's real time capacity.

  • Our customer had more loads offered to them

  • Just write. Being a solid writer is insanely underrated. The ability to clearly and succinctly articulate ideas is a super power. I have a list of ideas for blog posts, I just need to get the show on the road.


  • Date issues

We had numerous bugs surrounding incorrect dates showing up on the capacity board on the profile. We made some adjustments to the way we were storing dates in our database and the issue seems to have been fixed.

  • Full equipment type names on hover

equipment type on hover

⏩ This Week ⏩


  • 1 new customer
  • 1 blog post
  • Teams (new feature)

At this state, we gotta just keep it simple. Small, incremental progress is the name of the game at this point. The focus is on getting customers on who are willing to help us work through bugs/kinks so that when more come onboard we have smoothed out the rough edges.

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